
Honoree: Hardin Olson

Sponsor: Judy Olson

Hardin (aka Doc) was a loyal and passionate member of the Barbershop Harmony Society (SPEBSQSA) and the Minneapolis Commodores for 48 years. He edited and published the Chord-Inator for nearly 20 years.

He loved to share humorous stories with The Friday Lunch Bunch That Meets on Thursday. The only problem was that he could never get to the punch line because he was laughing so hard in anticipation of it. In a similar vein he wore his emotions on his sleeve when sharing something of a sentimental nature.

His camera was never far away and he loved taking pictures of special people and places and sharing them.

Above all, he loved all of the people who were part of his life.

Contact us

Looking for a unique excitement for your next event?
You've found it . . . the Minneapolis Commodore Chorus!
We would be delighted to sing for you! Enjoy our tunes, both old and new. 
Whatever your entertainment requirements might be, we can design a package to fit your needs.
You will find our novel brand of showmanship and ringing harmony a refreshing change.



General Inquiries

E-mail: [email protected]



952.232.7971  (Tony Mason - President)


Mailing Address

Minneapolis Commodores
17760 Jalisco Way 
Lakeville,  MN 55044