Sponsors: Dan Cole, Peter Jarnberg, Mark Ortenburger, Dan True, Harvey Weiss
Gary “Jake” Jacobson is one of those remarkable individuals who has had a significant impact on people and organizations everywhere he, and Marilyn, have chosen to call home. The Commodores were very fortunate indeed when he stopped by and first graced our door in 2005. Gary’s long career in Barbershopping, starting in 1965. He has sung in 21 quartets (all four parts although his forte is definitely as a Lead), serving as a director and assistant director in many LOL choruses including: Fargo, ND BHS and Sweet Adeline's Int. He has playing leadership roles both locally and at the Land O’ Lakes district level, and being honored as Barbershopper of the Year (at three different chapters). He has also served as Show Chairman and sung a number of times on the International contest stage as both a quartet and chorus competitor. In 1998, not surprisingly, he was inducted into the LOL District Hall of Fame. Quite a career, indeed.
Gary grew up in a musical family in Wahpeton, North Dakota. Along the way to Greater Grand Forks, S.D., where Gary first joined the Barbershop Harmony Society (SPEBSQSA back then), he sang in quartets in High School-the “Four Cards”, and the Marines “Dress Blues”-to name just a couple. One day in 1966, the local sheriff told Gary to be ready that evening because he was going to pick him and take him somewhere. Gary figured that obeying the sheriff was probably a good idea, quite so in this case, since “somewhere” turned out to be a rehearsal of the Valley Chordsmen, Greater Grand Fork’s local Barbershop chapter. From South Dakota to Fargo and finally Minneapolis, Gary left a trail (“Happy Trails to You”) of great Quartets: Sod Busters, Harmonious Agreement, Music Gallery, Electric Chord Company, People’s Choice (1992 District Champions), Good Time Harmony, Back Stage Pass, Full Chord Press, Been There Done That, Reunion, Renewel, Red River Alliance, Aarps A Chord, Nap Time (International Senior Quartet), Grandma’s Choice, Gold Plated Relics, and Grand Slam.
Gary, along with possessing the keen instincts of a consummate showman, is a true gentleman and, as all those who have benefited from his expert guidance know, someone who is always willing to help others become better singers and experience the joy of singing that’s been part of life.